49th Assembly district Republican Party
Our mission and purpose is to educate and advance the principles, ideals and policies of the Republican Party, and to aid in the election of Republican candidates for public office.
About Us
The Republican Party
The Republican Party of the 49th Assembly District of California is a volunteer organization made up of elected members of the Republican Party Central Committee that live in the 49th District. This District consists of the following cities and neighborhoods:
Alhambra, Arcadia, El Monte, Monterey Park, Rosemead, San Gabriel, San Marino and Temple City.
We are a part of the California Republican Party and of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County (RPLAC).
The mission and purpose of the Republican Party of the 49th Assembly District is to educate and advance the principles, ideals and policies of the Republican Party, and to aid in the election of Republican candidates for public office.
We fulfill those objectives by:
- Education of Republican principles and values
- Promoting candidate recruitment and development
- Promoting an informed electorate
- Publicizing and aiding activities of volunteers and candidates
- Getting Republican voters out to vote
- Providing volunteers to support Republican candidates
- Encouraging Republican voter registration
Candidates We Support

Burton Brink
State Assembly
Who We Are
Our Board
Elected Members (Officer Role):
Peter Amundson (Chairman)
Burton Brink (Vice Chairman)
Ron Esquivel (Secretary)
John Quintanilla (Assistant Secretary)
Eric Chan (Treasurer)
Jack Orswell (Assistant Treasurer)
Jack Orswell (Ex-Officio)
Ed Chen
Margaret Clark
Janet Orswell
Sandy Needs Ramirez
Get Involved
We Need Your Help
Sign up today to help make phone calls, walk precincts, host events, share on social media. There are many way you can help us elect good Republicans to office.
Join Our Newsletter
Sign up today to keep informed of activities and events.
Thank you for your interested in supporting the Republican Party of the 49th Assembly District. Please mail donations to:
49th AD Republican Party
P.O. Box 661134
Arcadia, CA 91066
The 49th Assembly District